Dr. med. Melanie Dorsch
Arzt, FA Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe
- Donnerstag 14:00 - 19:00
- Freitag 08:00 - 12:00
- Samstag keine Informationen vorhanden
- Sonntag keine Informationen vorhanden
- Montag 08:00 - 12:00
- Dienstag 08:00 - 12:00
- Mittwoch 14:00 - 18:00
Traumatic Experience
★★★★★ ★★★★★
I have been to Dr. Dorsch a few times and the lady experience was so traumatic that I needed to create this account so that others can read my experience and make an educated choice on whether to see her or not. I have first went to Dr. Dorsch on a recommendation from another immigrant saying she speaks very good English. I made an appointment and she was nice. We had a few appointments to get a regular check up and also receive my IUD. This is when things to a turn. When she implanted my IUD, she ignored my pain and said "it wasn't that bad" and "you're fine". I wasn't and felt invalidated. I then decided to look for another gynecologist. Soon after the implant, I started to have sever pain. I did not want to go to a new gynecologist in case there was something wrong with the implanted IUD, so (against my better judgment) I made an appointment to see Dr. Dorsch. This was the worst mistake. I went to the appointment and she asked about my pain..I was honest. She then told me that it was time for a check up (to do the pap smear) and I informed her that I did not come to the appointment for that and I was in too much pain to do the procedure. Dr. Dorsch told me I had to do the papa smear and I again, for the second time, told her no. We go to examination table and she performs the pap smear (or what I think is the pap smear at the time) and I'm in incredible pain and shock. I started crying. She then does an internal ultrasound to figure out my pain and says I have a cyst. It is two centimeters wide and she tells me again that it is not a big deal and I'm not in that much pain. I immediately leave. I call my husband and just cry. He is German and tells me he will call her to figure out what's going on because there might be a miscommunication. He does and the doctor calls us back the next morning. Dr Dorsch informs my husband that I did say no to the pap smear and she was taking a bacterial sample. She also conceded that the procedure looks exactly the same, but did not tell me what she was going to do. She said she would try to communicate better next time. Obviously, I will never go to her again. She did not communicate anything with me for reasons I do not know or care to at this point. She was careless, inconsiderate, and worse, she was invalidating. A gynecologist should understand that just going is difficult for some people and that these procedures put people in a vulnerable position. She does not seem to take this seriously and I hope others do not have to go through the traumatic experience I did.
23. Jan 2023
★★★★★ ★★★★★
kein Text
27. Mai 2010
★★★★★ ★★★★★
kein Text
27. Mai 2010
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